Monday, June 9, 2008

Excitement Before Disappointment

As of the moment, there are signs pointing to a *tiny* possibility of a good development I've been looking forward to (and I admit I'm hoping for it). And although the possibility is still unlikely because of the small probability, I still can't help but feel a bit of excitement as I wait for the announcement (if there'd be one, though).

But one thing I've learned to bear in mind is not to get my hopes up. I try to remind myself that this feeling of elation had constantly come around ever since I could remember.

Many times I feel some good vibes, thinking that good news is just around the corner. And then reality comes to slap my face. Hard. Then the excitement turns into bitter disappointment, and from the high altitudes my spirits had soared, I'd fall down fast into the deepest pit of misery.

Still, I can't help but feel excited. Yeah, yeah, call me stubborn if you deem it proper, but I'll still allow myself to feel elated over the excitement. I just hope it doesn't turn into another disappointment.

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