Thursday, April 17, 2008

Recall and Restart!

Now that I’ve gotten time to think things over, I realized that ACeS had indeed grown on me. It had been 15 months ago when I first arrived here, and I do remember that at that time, I was feeling gloomy since I was assigned to an office too far from my home.

Back then, we hitched a ride with two senior engineers of the field operations group (we were really all crammed in the back seat then), and I do remember we were quite quiet during the 'maiden voyage.' =P

And I think I should add that at that time, I was feeling as though I was being shipped to prison. And it wasn’t a simple prison, I thought to myself, but a highly-secured Alcatraz wherein access was limited. I think my fellow cadets (we were still cadet engineers that time!) shared the same sentiment, since their reactions to the SMS I sent ("Feeling ko, sa kulungan tayo dadalhin instead sa office") seemed to reflect my own feelings.

And that was how the five of us Sikatorses arrived at ACeS.

But in the 15 months that followed, I learned lots of things (mostly technical, though) and I adjusted my lifestyle. Before the inauguration of the I-4 network, we were mostly engrossed with the preparations such that we were kept busy putting up new equipment, reports and whatnots.

Post inauguration saw us adjusting to the new responsibilities, and to new lifestyles. It was also at that time that Mic left the group for another, thus leaving only four of us Sikatorses at ACeS. There had been frequent workouts at the gym, and I also started driving the service vehicles here on my own. And when I say on my own, I meant traversing through the dark Ilanin forest trail by myself beyond 8PM. Talk about horror-movie material; I do remember those times when mist covers the road as I was driving through. Hehe.

And thus, the months passed by rather slowly that I had never bothered to count them until my supervisor announced my imminent transfer. Now that I’m on my second-to-the-last duty on ACeS, I squeezed in time to write this down so as I can keep it a reminder of how I started out in here. I’ll be starting again in another office soon, and I really will be starting all over again. More blog-able materials, ne?

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