Monday, August 4, 2008

Just a quickie

Seeing that it's already August, I decided that I should first put up a short advisory before going on with blabbing about mundane stuff. I'll try to make it as brief and concise as possible, because that's what advisories should be about, right?

Well, last month I was able to churn out a total of 27 posts. Hopefully I can go beyond that this time around, since my actual target is a blog post a day. Owkay, I didn't quite do just that in July - I rather made two posts a day in the latter part of the month. =P

Hopefully I can stick to that plan for the succeeding months (although I already have a backlog of three posts). And I also hope to carry out other plans with the remainder of 2008 (such as losing all the excess poundage I've gained ever since I stopped frequenting the gym).

AAAANNDDDDD... I'm also yet to pay my credit card debts. XD

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