Friday, August 10, 2007

Occupational Hazard (Could that be me?!)

Just a few days ago, I've decided to finally think about the future and let go of the things that'd probably not be that much useful in the years to come.

Right now, I'm all "if there are no long-term benefits to be derived from it, just drop it." So, naturally, I'm putting more efforts in my job and the career that goes with it.

I dunno if I'd count it a blessing or something, but life in teh ACeS (for me, at least) had seemed to become more stressful. For the past week during my duty, equipments would take turns going haywire and the transmission facilities we are dependent on would go kaput.

I'd just totally let it pass off as mere coincidences, but every single shift? C'mon!

This is primarily the reason why I haven't been updating this blog for the past few days. It's a good thing that I've managed to push this one through, at least I know I'm still not giving up on writing.

I hope my presence per se isn't the cause, and that I'm just putting too much on mere coincidences, when these network problems occur. I'm betting that my co-Junior engrs. are hoping not to share shifts with me to avoid extra work :P

Oh well, at least I'd welcome all the opportunity for the experience. Pretty much soon I'd have enough knowledge to take on greater heights.

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